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发布时间:2017年03月06日 15:15   文章来源:   浏览次数:

辜海彬 博士,教授,硕/博士生导师       

工作单位: 四川大学生物质与皮革工程系


联系方式:Tel: 15884438010

E-mail: [email protected]


1996.09 - 2000.06   四川大学皮革工程系,学士

2003.09 - 2008.06   四川大学生物质与皮革工程系,博士


2000.07 - 2001.06   广东华南杰出皮革有限公司,技术员

2001.06 - 2003.06   乐山振静皮革制品有限公司,技术员、车间主任助理

2008.07 - 2012.06   四川大学生物质与皮革工程系,讲师

2012.07 - 2012.08   美国西密歇根大学,访问学者

2012.12 - 2014.12   法国波尔多第一大学分子科学研究所,访问学者

2012.07 - 2022.06   四川大学生物质与皮革工程系,副教授

2022.07 -  至今     四川大学生物质与皮革工程系,教授







2020—2023   国家自然科学基金(21978180)

2018—2020   四川省国际科技合作项目(2018HH0038)

2016—2019   国家自然科学基金(21576171)

2013—2015   教育部博士点基金(20130181130009)

2012—2014   国家自然科学基金(21106088)

2012—2014   教育部博士点基金(20110181120079)


1、Tao Ke, Li Zhao, Xin Fan, Haibin Gu,* Rapid self-healing, self-adhesive, anti-freezing, moisturizing, antibacterial and multi-stimuli-responsive PVA/starch/tea polyphenol-based composite conductive organohydrogel as flexible strain sensor. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2023, 135, 199-212. (影响因子10.32)

2、Bin Song, Xin Fan, Haibin Gu,* Chestnut-Tannin-Crosslinked, Antibacterial, Antifreezing, Conductive Organohydrogel as a Strain Sensor for Motion Monitoring, Flexible Keyboards, and Velocity Monitoring. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15(1), 2147-2162. (影响因子10.383)

3、Qiangjun Ling, Wentao Liu,* Jiachang Liu, Li Zhao, Zhijun Ren, Haibin Gu,* Highly Sensitive and Robust Polysaccharide-Based Composite Hydrogel Sensor Integrated with Underwater Repeatable Self-Adhesion and Rapid Self-Healing for Human Motion Detection. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, 14(21), 24741-24754. (影响因子10.383)

4、Xiong Liu, Zhijun Ren, Fangfei Liu, Li Zhao, Qiangjun Ling, Haibin Gu,* Multifunctional Self-Healing Dual Network Hydrogels Constructed via Host-Guest Interaction and Dynamic Covalent Bond as Wearable Strain Sensors for Monitoring Human and Organ Motions, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13(12), 14625-14635. (影响因子10.383)

5、Li Zhao, Zhijun Ren, Xiong Liu, Qiangjun Ling, Zhengjun Li,* Haibin Gu,* A Multifunctional, Self-Healing, Self-Adhesive, and Conductive Sodium Alginate/Poly(vinyl alcohol) Composite Hydrogel as a Flexible Strain Sensor, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13(9), 11344-11355. (影响因子10.383)

6、Zhijun Ren, Tao Ke, Qiangjun Ling, Li Zhao, Haibin Gu,* Rapid self-healing and self-adhesive chitosan-based hydrogels by host-guest interaction and dynamic covalent bond as flexible sensor. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2021, 273,118533.  (影响因子10.723)

7、Xiong Liu, Fangfei Liu, Wentao Liu,* Haibin Gu,* ROMP and MCP as Versatile and Forceful Tools to Fabricate Dendronized Polymers for Functional Applications, Polymer Reviews, 2021, 61(1), 1-53.(影响因子14.536)

8、Xiong Liu, Li Zhao, Fangfei Liu, Didier Astruc,* Haibin Gu,* Supramolecular redox-responsive ferrocene hydrogels and microgels, Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2020, 419, 213406. (影响因子24.833)

9、Xiong Liu, Wei Lin,* Didier Astruc,* Haibin Gu,* Syntheses and Applications of Dendronized Polymers. Progress in Polymer Science, 2019, 96, 43-105. (影响因子31.281)

10、Haibin Gu, Roberto Ciganda,* Patricia Castel, Sergio Moya, Ricardo Hernandez, Jaime Ruiz, Didier Astruc,* Tetrablock Metallopolymer Electrochromes. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 2018, 57 (8), 2204-2208. (影响因子16.823)




Curriculum Vitae: Haibin Gu

Department of Biomass and Leather Engineering

Sichuan University

No. 24, South Section 1, Yihuan Road

Chengdu 610065

P. R. China


Personal Information


July 1977, Renshou, Sichuan Province


+86-028-85404462 (office); +86-028-85405237 (fax)




[email protected]


Academic Training


B. S. in Leather Chemistry & Engineering, Sichuan University, 2000


Ph.D. in Leather Chemistry & Engineering, Sichuan University, 2008


Professional Experience

2000.07 – 2001.06:

Technician, Guangdong Huanan Jiechu Leather Co., Ltd

2001.07 – 2003.06:

Technician and Assistant to the workshop director, Leshan Zhenjing Leather Co., Ltd

2008.07 2012.07:

Lecturer of Leather Chemistry & Engineering, Sichuan University

2012.12 2014.12:

Visiting scholar of ISM, UMR CNRS No 5255, University of Bordeaux, France.


2022.07-- present:        

Associate professor of Leather Chemistry & Engineering, Sichuan University

Full professor of Leather Chemistry & Engineering, Sichuan University


Research Interests

1. Synthesis and functional applications of metallopolymers

2. Biomass-based conductive hydrogel functional materials

3. Biomass-based carbon quantum dots functional materials

4.Tanning chemistry


Projects Hosted or Participated

2020 – 2023:

National Science Foundation of China (21978180)

2018 – 2020:

International Cooperation Projects of Sichuan Science and Technology Agency (2018HH0038)

2016 – 2019:

National Science Foundation of China (21576171)

2013 – 2015:

Ph. D. Programs Foundation of Ministry of Education of China (20130181130009)

2012 2014:

National Science Foundation of China (21106088)

2012 2014:

Ph. D. Programs Foundation of Ministry of Education of China (20110181120079)

Selected Publications

1、Tao Ke, Li Zhao, Xin Fan, Haibin Gu,* Rapid self-healing, self-adhesive, anti-freezing, moisturizing, antibacterial and multi-stimuli-responsive PVA/starch/tea polyphenol-based composite conductive organohydrogel as flexible strain sensor. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2023, 135, 199-212. (影响因子10.32)

2、Bin Song, Xin Fan, Haibin Gu,* Chestnut-Tannin-Crosslinked, Antibacterial, Antifreezing, Conductive Organohydrogel as a Strain Sensor for Motion Monitoring, Flexible Keyboards, and Velocity Monitoring. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15(1), 2147-2162. (影响因子10.383)

3、Qiangjun Ling, Wentao Liu,* Jiachang Liu, Li Zhao, Zhijun Ren, Haibin Gu,* Highly Sensitive and Robust Polysaccharide-Based Composite Hydrogel Sensor Integrated with Underwater Repeatable Self-Adhesion and Rapid Self-Healing for Human Motion Detection. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, 14(21), 24741-24754. (影响因子10.383)

4、Xiong Liu, Zhijun Ren, Fangfei Liu, Li Zhao, Qiangjun Ling, Haibin Gu,* Multifunctional Self-Healing Dual Network Hydrogels Constructed via Host-Guest Interaction and Dynamic Covalent Bond as Wearable Strain Sensors for Monitoring Human and Organ Motions, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13(12), 14625-14635. (影响因子10.383)

5、Li Zhao, Zhijun Ren, Xiong Liu, Qiangjun Ling, Zhengjun Li,* Haibin Gu,* A Multifunctional, Self-Healing, Self-Adhesive, and Conductive Sodium Alginate/Poly(vinyl alcohol) Composite Hydrogel as a Flexible Strain Sensor, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13(9), 11344-11355. (影响因子10.383)

6、Zhijun Ren, Tao Ke, Qiangjun Ling, Li Zhao, Haibin Gu,* Rapid self-healing and self-adhesive chitosan-based hydrogels by host-guest interaction and dynamic covalent bond as flexible sensor. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2021, 273,118533.  (影响因子10.723)

7、Xiong Liu, Fangfei Liu, Wentao Liu,* Haibin Gu,* ROMP and MCP as Versatile and Forceful Tools to Fabricate Dendronized Polymers for Functional Applications, Polymer Reviews, 2021, 61(1), 1-53.(影响因子14.536)

8、Xiong Liu, Li Zhao, Fangfei Liu, Didier Astruc,* Haibin Gu,* Supramolecular redox-responsive ferrocene hydrogels and microgels, Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2020, 419, 213406. (影响因子24.833)

9、Xiong Liu, Wei Lin,* Didier Astruc,* Haibin Gu,* Syntheses and Applications of Dendronized Polymers. Progress in Polymer Science, 2019, 96, 43-105. (影响因子31.281)

10、Haibin Gu, Roberto Ciganda,* Patricia Castel, Sergio Moya, Ricardo Hernandez, Jaime Ruiz, Didier Astruc,* Tetrablock Metallopolymer Electrochromes. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 2018, 57 (8), 2204-2208. (影响因子16.823)




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