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发布时间:2014年11月17日 15:56   文章来源:   浏览次数:


1995年7月本科毕业于成都科技大学皮革工程专业,于1995年7月至1998年9月在浙江省金华市制革厂从事猪皮服装革的产品开发及生产工艺控制; 2001年7月毕业于四川大学皮革工程系,获工学硕士学位并留校任教至今。于2008年6月获得四川大学皮革化学与工程专业博士学位;于2009年6月至2010年6月在美国新泽西医科与牙科大学(University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey)Robert Wood Johnson Medical School生物化学系作为访问学者进行胶原多肽、重组细菌胶原蛋白结构与功能领域的相关研究。



联系方式:联系电话:028-85405839;邮箱地址:[email protected]


[1]. Zhang Junqing, Chen Min, Cheng Haiming*. Utilization of phenolsulphonic acid to hydrolysate of chrome shavings in preparation of composite condensations for leather retanning. Journal of the Society of Leather Technologist and Chemist, Accepted.

[2]. Wen Jun, Li Qiaoyu, Li Hao, Chen Min, Hu Sheng, Cheng Haiming*. Nano TiO2 imparts amidoximated wool fibers with good anti-bacterial activity and adsorption capacity for uranium(VI) recovery. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2018, 57(6): 1826-1833.

[3]. Mei Chen, Mingfang Jiang, Min Chen, Haiming Cheng*. Approach towards safe and efficient enzymatic unhairing of bovine hides. JALCA, 2018, 113(2): 59-64.

[4]. Zhang Fan, Chen Min, Hu Sheng, Cheng Haiming*. Chemical treatments on the cuticle layer enhancing the uranium(VI) uptake from aqueous solution by amidoximated wool fibers. Journal of Radioanalytical & Nuclear Chemistry, 2017, 314(3): 1927-1937.

[5]. He Shengsheng, Song Dewei, Chen Min, Cheng Haiming*. Immobilization of lipases on magnetic collagen fibers and its applications for short-chain ester synthesis. Catalysts, 2017, 7(6): 178.

[6]. Li Qiaoyu, Yin Zhonglong, Chen Min, Hu Sheng, Cheng Haiming*. Removal of hexavalent chromium ions from aqueous solution by amidoxime functionalized wool fibers. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2017, 58: 137–143.

[7]. Song Dewei, Chen Min, Cheng Haiming*. Collagen-immobilized lipases show good activity and reusability for butyl butyrate synthesis. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2016, 180(6):826-840.

[8]. 江明芳, 熊鸿荣, 陈敏, 林炜, 程海明*. 制革用工业酶制剂主要成分及环境风险. 中国皮革, 2016, 45(1): 24-28.

[9]. Yin Zhonglong, Xiong Jie, Chen Min, Hu Sheng, Cheng Haiming*. Recovery of uranium(VI) from aqueous solution by amidoxime functionalized wool fibers. Journal of Radioanalytical & Nuclear Chemistry, 2016, 307(2): 1471-1479.

[10]. Yin Zhonglong, Chen Min, Hu Sheng, Cheng Haiming*. Carboxylate functionalized wool fibers for removal of Cu(II) and Pb(II) from aqueous solution. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2016, 57(37): 17367-17376.

[11]. 尹中龙,李巧钰,陈敏,程海明*. 高提取率成年牛皮酸溶胶原制备及其性能表征. 中国皮革2015, 44(11): 19-23.

[12]. Yin Zhonglong, Chen Baihua, Chen Min, Hu Sheng, Cheng Haiming*. Recovery of chromium(III) ions from aqueous solution by carboxylate functionalized wool fibres. Journal of the Society of Leather Technologist and Chemist, 2015, 99(3): 101-106.

[13]. 尹中龙,陈敏,胡胜,程海明*. 丙烯腈接枝改性羊毛纤维的影响因素研究. 皮革科学与工程, 2015, 26(1): 18-23.

[14]. 宋德伟, 陈占光,刘英强, 陈敏, 程海明*. 脂肪酶对典型动物、植物油脂的水解特性. 皮革科学与工程, 2014, 25(4): 21-26.

[15]. Cheng Haiming, Wu Lian, Yin Zhonglong, Chen Min, Li Zhiqiang. Treatment of collagen fibre and cattle hide with transglutaminase in supercritical carbon dioxide. Journal of the Society of Leather Technologist and Chemist, 2014, 98(5):216-221.

[16]. Haiming Cheng, Min Chen, Zhiqiang Li. The role of neutral salt for the hydrolysis and hierarchical structure of hide fiber in pickling. JALCA, 2014, 109(4): 125-130.

[17]. 尹中龙, 鲁亚娟, 陈敏, 李志强, 程海明*. 非胶原酶对热处理后胶原的水解特性分析. 中国皮革, 2014, 43(9): 26-29.

[18]. 许晓红, 毛洪超, 陈敏, 李志强, 程海明* 不同原料皮脂肪酶脱脂效果比较. 皮革科学与工程, 2014, 24(1): 28-31.

[19]. 刘萌, 程海明*. 牛毛的水解及水解产物性能分析. 中国皮革, 2012, 41(17): 27-31.

[20]. 程海明, 陈敏, 李志强. 胶原及皮革等电点的表征方法综述. 皮革科学与工程, 2012, 22(4): 20-24.

[21]. Haiming Cheng, Shayan Rashid, Zhuoxin Yu, Ayumi Yoshizumi, Eileen Hwang, Barbara Brodsky. Location of glycine mutations within a bacterial collagen affects degree of disruption of triple-helix folding and conformation. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2011, 286(3): 2041-2046.

[22]. Jianxi Xiao#, Haiming Cheng#, Teresita Silva, Jean Baum, Barbara Brodsky. Osteogenesis imperfecta missense mutations in collagen: structural consequences of a glycine to alanine replacement at a highly charged site. Biochemistry, 2011, 50(50): 10771-10780.


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