1.Jin-Song Zhao,Jia Zheng,Rong-Qing Zhou*,Bi Shi, Microbial community structure of pit mud in a Chinese strong aromatic liquor fermentation pit, Journal of the Institute of Brewing 2013,118(4):356-360.
2.Xiaofei, Ding. Chongde Wu., Jun Huang., Hui Li.,Rongqiang Zhou*, Eubacterial and archaeal community characteristics in the man-made pit mud revealed by combined PCR-DGGE and FISH analyses. Food research international 2014, 62:1047-1053.
3.Chongde Wu, Jun Huang,Rongqing Zhou*.Progress in engineering acid stress resistance of lactic acid bacteria Appl Microbiol Biotechnol mini-review 2014,98 1055-1063.
4.Rui-Ying Cui, Jia Zheng. Chong-De Wu,Rong-qing Zhou*. Effect of different halophilic microbial fermentation patterns on the volatile compound profiles and sensory properties of soy suace moromi Eur Food Res Technol 2014:239:321-331.
5Qiang Xia, Chongde Wu, Jun Huang,Rongqing Zhou*. Selection and application of potential whole- cell enzymes in the esterification of Huangshuui, a by-production formed during Chinese liquor –making.Institute of Brewing &Distilling, 2014: 120 45-51.
6.Qiang Xia, Huawei Yuan, Chongde Wu, Jia Zheng Suyi, Zhang , Caihong Shen, Bin Yi andRongqing Zhou*. An improved and validated samples cleanup method for analysis of ethyl carbamate in Chinese liquor. Journal of Food Science 2014: 9: 1854-1860.
7.Liqiang Zhang , Chongde Wu, Xiaofei Ding, Jia Zheng,Rongqing Zhou*.Characterisation of microbial community in Chinese liquor fermentation starters Daqu using nested PCR-DGGE.World J Microbiol Biotechnol, 2014: 30:3055-3063.
8.Jia Zheng Chongde Wu, Junhuang Rongqing Zhou*, Xue pin Liao Spatial distribution of bacterial communities and related biochemical properties in Luzhou-flavor liquor-fermented grains IF 1.791 Journal of food science 2014, 12:
9. Xiao fei Ding, Chong de, WU, Li qiang, Zhang, Jia Zheng.,Rongqing, Zhou*Characterization of eubacterial and archaeal community diversity in the pit mud of Chinese Luzhou –flavor liquor by nested PCR-DGGE. World J Microbiol Biotechnol, 2014: 30:605-612
10.Jia Zheng, Ru liang, Jun Huang, Rui Ping, Zhou, Zhe –Jun Chen, Chong de Wu ,Rongqing Zhou*, Xue pin Liao Volatile compounds of raw spirits from different distilling of Luzhou-flavor spirit .Food science and technology research, 2014,20: 283-293.
11.Chongde Wu., Jia Zheng, Jun Huang.,Rongqing Zhou*. Reduced nitrite and biogenic amine concentrations and improved flavor components of Chinese sauerkraut via co-culture ofLactobacillus plantarumandZygosaacharomyces rouxii.Ann Microbiol 2014,64:847-857
12. Jia,Zheng., Ru, Liang, Chong de,Wu.,Rongqing Zhou*.,Xuepin,Liao. Discrimination of different kinds of Luzhou-flavor raw liquors based on their volatile features.Food research international 2014, 56:77-84.
13.Jia,Zheng, Ru,liang., Liquang, Zhang.,Chongde, Wu., Rongqing, Zhou., Xuepin, Liao. Characterization of microbial communities in strong aromatic liquor fermentation pit muds of different ages by combined DGGE and PLFA analyses. Food research international 2013, 54:660-666.
14.Jia Zheng, Chongde Wu, Jun Huang,Rongqing Zhou*, Xuepin Liao. Analysis of volatile compounds in Chinese soy sauces moromi cultured by different fermentation processes. Food Science and Biotechnology. 2013.22(3):605-612.
15.Jia Zheng, Chongde Wu, Jun Huang,Rongqing Zhou*, Xuepin Liao. Development of a rapid discrimination tool for Luzhou-flavor pit mud by Kohonen artificial neural network. Food Analytical Methods. 2014, (Doi10.1007/s12161-0140040-3)
16.Xiaofei,Ding., Chongde,Wu.,Jun, Hung.,Rongqing Zhou*.,Interphase microbial community characteristics in the fermentation cellar of Chinese Luzhou-flavor liquor determined by PLFA and DGGE profiles. Food research international 2015, 72:16-24.
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23.刘琨毅,陈帅,郑佳,黄钧,张宿义,易彬,周荣清*,基于PLFA指纹图谱表征浓香型酒糟醅微生物群落结构,应用生态学报,第23卷,第6期, 1620-1628页,2012
24.刘琨毅,卢中明,郑佳,赵金松,黄钧,周荣清*浓香型白酒窖泥微生物群落PLFA指纹图谱方法,应用与环境生物学报,第18卷,第5期, 831-1837页,2012
25.谢菲,李从虎,郑佳,陈欣,黄钧,周荣清* 角蛋白酶菌株的分离筛选与鉴定,微生物学报,第50卷,第4期,537-541页,2011
26.吴冬梅,何翠容,牛美灿,彭昱雯,郑佳,金扬,黄钧,周荣清* 荧光原位杂交( FISH)技术研究窖泥微生物群落,食品与发酵工业,第38卷,第4期, 15-19页,2012
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