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发布时间:2022年03月18日 08:46   文章来源:   浏览次数:


2023IULTCS国际青年皮革科学家奖,任四川省皮革学会理事兼副秘书长、《Collagen and Leather》和《精细化工》青年编委、《皮革科学与工程》编委。

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5)DB游戏 2023年“第五届教师教学创新竞赛”二等奖











1Xue P B, Yu Y*, Wang H, Cao Y L, Shi B, Wang Y N*. Oxidized sodium lignosulfonate: A biobased chrome-free tanning agent for sustainable eco-leather manufacture. Industrial Crops & Products, 2024, 208, 117916.

2Yu Y, Wang H, Wang Y N*, Zhou J F, Shi B. Chrome-free synergistic tanning system based on biomass-derived hydroxycarboxylic acid–zirconium complexes. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 336, 130428.

3Yu Y, Sun Q Y, Zeng Y H*, Lin Y R, Wang Y N, Shi B. Diagnosing the environmental impacts of typical fatliquors in leather manufacture from life cycle assessment perspective. Journal of Leather Science and Engineering, 2022, 4, 6.

4Yu Y, Wang H, Wang Y N*, Zhou J F, Shi B. Construction of a chrome-free tanning system based on highly-oxidized starch–zirconium complexes. Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association. 2022, 117, 87-95.

5Wang J Y, Yu Y*, Yue W, Fe Y E, Wang Y N, Shi B. Preparation of high solid content oxidized starch by acid pretreatment–H2O2 oxidation and its performance as the ligand in zirconium tanning. Carbohydrate Research. 2022, 511, 108501.

6Yu Y, Lin Y R, Zeng Y H*, Wang Y N, Zhang W H, Zhou J F, Shi B. Life cycle assessment for chrome tanning, chrome-free metal tanning, and metal-free tanning systems. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2021, 9(19), 6720-6731.

7Yu Y, Huang M, Lv J Q, Zeng Y H*, Sun Q Y, Shi B. Evaluation and improvement of the oxidative stability of leather fatliquors. Journal of Leather Science and Engineering, 2021, 3, 29.

8Wang Z, Wang Y N*, Yu Y*, Shi B. Tanning performance of a novel chrome-free complex tanning agent: penetration and distribution. Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association. 2021, 116(8), 277-283.

9Guo X R, Yu Y*, Wang Y N*, Shi B. Oxidized Maltodextrin: a novel ligand for aluminum–zirconium complex tanning. Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association. 2021, 116(5), 155-161.

10Yu Y, Zeng Y H, Wang Y N*, Liang T, Zhou J F, Shi B. Inverse chrome tanning Technology: a practical approach to minimizing Cr(III) discharge. Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association. 2020, 115(5), 176-183.


1Yu Y, Wang Y N, Shi B, Guo X R, Zhou J F, Zeng Y H, Zhang W H, Cao M R. Light-colored polycarboxylated polysaccharide tanning agent, and preparation method and use thereof, US patent, US 11834724 B2.

2余跃, 王亚楠, 石碧, 郭雪茹, 周建飞, 曾运航, 张文华, 曹明蓉. 一种浅色多羧基氧化多糖鞣剂及其制备方法和应用, 中国专利, ZL 202110178497.6.

3余跃, 曾运航, 石碧, 王亚楠, 周建飞. 皮革加脂剂及其制备方法, 中国专利, ZL 202111195959.1.

4余跃, 王亚楠, 石碧, 周建飞, 曾运航, 张文华. 生态皮革无铬结合主鞣工艺, 中国专利, 202210171532.6.

5余跃, 王亚楠, 石碧, 周建飞, 曾运航, 张文华. 可高温染色的生态裘皮无铬结合主鞣工艺, 中国专利, 202210171254.4.

6)王亚楠, 余跃, 石碧, 周建飞, 曾运航. 宽分布的多官能团多糖基配体金属配合物鞣剂的制备方法, 中国专利, ZL 201710546223.1.

7)王亚楠, 余跃, 石碧, 周建飞, 曾运航, 张文华. 生态皮革无铬鞣制工艺, 中国专利, ZL202210171515.2.

8)王亚楠, 余跃, 石碧, 周建飞, 曾运航, 张文华. 生态裘皮无铬鞣制工艺, 中国专利, ZL202210171251.0.

9)董新志, 余跃, 谢桃信, 王亚楠, 冯国立, 周建飞. 负氧离子组合物及其制备方法和应用, 中国专利, ZL202111373721.3.

10)董新志, 余跃, 谢桃信, 王亚楠, 冯国立, 周建飞. 防螨组合物及其制备方法和应用,中国专利, ZL 202111373807.6.


1)唐余玲, 林凤喜, 吕明旭, 吴婷, 孟红伟, 畅文凯, 余跃, 徐士强, 赵国栋. GB/T 3903.32-2022《鞋类 内底试验方法 缝合撕破力》.

2)马建标, 王亚楠, 桑军, 陈国栋, 王学川, 胡建中, 汤海涛, 耿振华, 章文福, 刘新华,余跃, 杨金, 庞晓燕. QB/T 5574-2021《绿色设计产品评价技术规范 毛皮》.


1Yu Y, Xue P B, Wang H, Wang Y N*, Zhou J F, Shi B*. Controllable oxidation and degradation of lignin: From biomass into tanning and retanning agents for sustainable eco-leather manufacturing. XXXVII IULTCS Congress, Chengdu, Oct. 17-20, 2023, Oral presentation.

2余跃, 薛鹏博, 汪徽, 王亚楠*, 周建飞, 石碧*. 木质素磺酸钠鞣剂的制备及其在无铬生态皮革鞣制中的应用. 第三届木质素和胶原基材料青年国际会议, 成都, 324-26, 2023, 口头报告.

3Yu Y, Wang Z, Zhu M, Zhou J F, Wang Y N*, Shi B*. A novel chrome-free tanning technology based on the complex of zirconium and highly-oxidized starch. The 11th Asian International Conference on Leather Science and Technology, Xi’an, October 16-19, 2018, Oral presentation.

4Yu Y, Zeng W C, Wang Y N, Shi Bi*. Inhibitory effect of protein filling agent from bovine hair on the oxidation of Cr(III). XXXIII International Union of Leather Technologists and Chemists Societies (IULTCS) Congress, Novo Hamburgo, Brazil, November 24-27, 2015, Poster.



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